S peak up about your abuse. It’s your story and you have a right to tell it. Send it in writing and be as specific as possible about where and when the abuse occurred, exactly what happened and all who were involved or knew about your abuse.
P ay attention to how the mission agency or school responds to your allegations of abuse. Do they respond in a timely manner? What role does the person who responds to you have in the organization and what are their qualifications? Do not assume that the organization is your ally. Document and keep records of your interactions with them.
E ducate yourself about the system the agency or school has in place for handling reports of abuse. Who investigates reports of abuse for them? How have those persons been trained and to whom do they report? What experiences have other MKs had when reporting abuse to them?
A sk for a trusted friend, family member, counselor or other advisor to help you as you report your abuse or go through any investigation process. Insist that this person accompany you during any in-person meetings or interviews with the agency or their investigating team.
K now what your options are. How does the law work where your abuse took place and in the state where your mission board is incorporated?
U se an organization that is independent from the mission board or school to investigate your allegations. If this is not possible, be extra vigilant as you report or take part in an investigation.
P articipate in all decisions that involve you, your story and your healing journey.
Dianne Couts © July 2018