- A Journey Between Worlds: Communicating Across the Boundaries of Faith and Culture
- A Life Overseas: A Cross-cultural Conversation
- A list of therapists who understand TCKs
- Christine Hutton is an MK whose art and poetry capture what many MKs have experienced
- Cultivating Thriving Families Abroad
- Dee Miller has advocated for survivors in mission settings since the 1980s
- Denizen is an online magazine and community dedicated to people who grew up as TCKs
- Families in Global Transition
- Former missionaries who witnessed or experienced abuse can find an understanding community here
- GRACE – Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment
- Lois grew up as an MK and is now a counselor, an international speaker and an author.
- Michèle Phoenix is an MK who writes and speaks about the MK experience.
- Rachel Cason is an MK who uses her understanding of belonging, Identity and place to help MKs explore their stories.
- Ruth, Rachel and Chris offer support for adult MKs and raise awareness about safeguarding children in mission settings.
- TCK Resources
- Third Culture Kids Navigating Our Worlds
- Today’s voice for TCKs and internationally mobile families
The resources we have listed are offered as suggestions for insights into the MK experience or for insights into abuse and its effects. Suggesting these links does not mean that MKSN endorses everything in them. This is an ever-evolving list and will be updated on a regular basis. If you have any resources you would like to suggest, please send those to us at mksafetynet@gmail.com.